ISO 14001
What is ISO 14001?
ISO 14001 is the global standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS), providing organizations with a structured framework to manage environmental impacts and promote sustainability. It enables companies to systematically identify, monitor, and address environmental concerns, demonstrating a commitment to responsible environmental stewardship.
Benefits of ISO 14001
Achieving your environmental sustainability objectives
Improving your environmental performance
Creating a marketing advantage for environmental sustainable operations
Minimize risk environmental incidents
Reduce operating cost & leading to achieve profit
EMS Requirements
Understand external & internal issues, interested relevant to environment.
Develop & monitor environmental objectives.
Develop an Environmental Policy declaring commitment to environmental sustainability.
Develop a Management Manual related to the clauses of ISO 14001.
Documentation Requirements
Initial Environmental Review
Environmental Policy
Environmental Manual
Environmental Management Plan
Registers - for non conformances & corrective action
Emergency Response Plan

Once certified, you can show your commitment to quality with our certification mark.
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