ISO 45001

What is ISO 45001?

ISO 45001 is an international standard focused on establishing effective Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (SMS) within organizations. It provides a structured framework for managing risks, enhancing OHS performance, and creating a safe working environment. The standard emphasizes continual improvement, active employee involvement, and adherence to legal requirements, making it a valuable tool for organizations committed to ensuring the well-being of their workforce and maintaining a strong reputation for safety. Certification to ISO 45001 signifies an organization's dedication to systematic OHS management and a culture of health and safety.

Benefits of ISO 45001

  • Creating a safe & healthy workplace

  • Improving your OHS performance

  • Developing & implementing a OHS policy & objectives

  • Minimize risk workplace accidents & incidents

  • Encourages all levels of staff to take an action role in OHS matters

HSMS Requirements

  • conduct a risk assessment of the site, plant & equipment, and process

  • understand external & internal issues relevant to workplace safety

  • develop a Safety Policy declaring commitment to workplace safety

  • develop a Safety Manual related to the clauses of ISO 45001

  • plan responses to workplace safety emergencies

Documentation Requirements

  • Risk Assessments

  • Safety Policy

  • Safety Manual

  • Procedures

  • Job Safety Analysis

  • Safe Work Method Statements

  • SOPs

  • Safety Management Plan

  • Registers - for accidents & incidents, non conformances & corrective action and compliance

  • Emergency Response Plan

Once certified, you can show your commitment to quality with our certification mark.